August 17, 2021
Author: Greer Craig, B.B.A., M.P.H., C.P.T.
Greer is a mom and a fitness instructor / business owner in the Atlanta area. She uses BIOLYTE to stay healthy and hydrated during her training classes, school runs, and everyday errands! In this blog, Greer shares her tips for remaining physically, emotionally and mentally healthy, even when life feels a little chaotic!
It’s that time of year again; you are likely rushing to get out of the door for school and work, juggling a busier routine, and living at a faster pace. How we show up and lead our families will set the tone for this school year. The sweltering heat, here in Atlanta, makes it difficult to advocate for more outdoor time. However, that is where I truly believe our children, and we as adults, thrive – out in nature and moving our bodies well.
As a mom and mobile fitness business owner, I am definitely spending most of my days outside sweating with my kids and with other tired, stressed out moms.
As we kick off this new season, I strongly encourage you to adopt the five “back to school” daily habits that I personally adhere to. You will feel a tremendous difference in your social, emotional, and physical health if you do.
1. HYDRATION - Water is simply not enough for us on most days. I am a huge advocate for a minimum of 80oz of water/day, but even this can leave our body without essential vitamins, minerals, and adequate hydration. BIOLYTE is the only supplement that I have found that truly quenches my dehydration, fights nausea (does anyone else battle morning sickness or anxiety-induced nausea like me?!), cramps, overindulgence, and fatigue. It's the perfect drink to start the day and is an essential post workout drink!
2. MOVEMENT – Our brains and bodies work at optimum capacity if we are consistently exercising and pumping blood efficiently through our system. Movement keeps our endorphins flowing, combats stress, and gives us energy to face each day with confidence and strength. Move more and often!
3. SLEEP – If you are not getting a minimum of 7+ hours of sleep each night then your body will not reboot and run for you the following day. Rest is just as important as movement, specifically to counterbalance additional stress. Turn your electronics off when the sun goes down. Stretch, focus on gratitude for the day, and then get in bed!
4. SOCIALIZATION – Seek out quality friendships and meet up with them out in beautiful outdoor spaces as often as possible. The pandemic has tried to take this away but do not underestimate the power of connecting with others in person. We are designed to do life together. Also, do not waste any time with people that drain you - no one has time for that!
5. ELIMINATE – Cut out the junk! "Junk" could include depressing news feeds, mindless TV, processed foods, or your own negative self-talk. Journal about what you DO have and the things that you are doing well. Do more of the things that make you feel good! Remove anything that is harmful to your mental or physical health.
I wish everyone a powerful start to the fall season! May our bodies propel us to greatness with proper hydration, exercise, rest, friendship, and focus on the good and positive aspects of life. You got this!
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