April 26, 2023
“No matter how strong or gifted you may be, you are not Superman or Superwoman.” -Alistair Begg, Cleveland OH
This was a quote that a friend of mine shared at Bible study the other night, and I just loved it.
The first time I ran across this concept was when I read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. He says that no one is given all the gifts. No one is perfect. Because our maker is trying to teach us to lean on each other.
I LOVE this concept because it frees each and every one of us from the prison of perfection
. The mindset that we can and SHOULD be able to do it all ourselves. And that no one can do it better than ME.
Growing a company is hard because you have to be the person that the company needs you to be right in that moment. One day, your making sales as an army of one, then what feels like 24 hours later, you’re leading a team of sales professionals
How do you shift? How do you go from only ME to WE? How do you go from doing it all yourself to being a leader of people?
You have to get the right people - the people that align with your company’s values and priorities - and then trust them and empower them to lean into their strengths to get the job done.
You have to recognize that you don’t have it all in order to grow into the next level.
If your find yourself saying, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of that,” “Let me do that,” or you find yourself taking over a project after someone takes a first stab at it and misses - Your missing a huge growth opportunity for that person, yourself, and ultimately your company.
The best leaders don’t HAVE IT ALL themselves. They have incredible teams of people that they believe in and that believe in them.
See you next Thursday,
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